A warm welcome back @neph93
Let‘s talk about pink…
#RGT Riverwash Supply Jacket
#Pink Schaeffer‘s Garment Hotel 101 Jeans
#Vans -
Welcome back @neph93
Nice to see you Reuben @neph93
@Mickey-GT cool ensemble kind of has the vibes of @AdamJ 's less-monochromatic cousin
A knockout has never felt that great @neph93 great to have you back!
One of my all time favorite tracks btw. -
@jerkules Nope, just a gap in the clouds here in Cheltenham!
I would love to wear my IH to Lincoln's Inn, but if I were there it would probably be for work purposes, and then I'd have to be suited and booted.
Though I have mentioned on the "what should we make" thread that I'd love it if IH could use a scrap of denim to make me a neck tie for when I've got to put a suit on...