A message from Filthy Mikes mum
Oh man, really hard times for her. Hope all went well
@Giles Thank you for keeping in touch with her, and us in the flow. Wishing all the best to her and her heart
Thanks for sharing, Giles — sending good energy her way ️
I sent Bernadette some funds earlier in the week. I had this reply.
Hi Giles, it is good to hear from you. As usual, thanks so much for your donation. I am trying to get enough money together to help
Alissa and her children come home for Christmas, so this will help. I am in the middle of having several tests done on my heart and pacemaker to determine why my heart is not beating properly. I think I will have to have one more surgery to fix things but I won’t know until the middle of December.I hope you and your family as well as the Iron Heart Forum members have a wonderful holiday season and a good new year. Bernadette
I have sold some personal stuff recently, so have some spare funds in PayPal, I offered to sub Bernadette $1,000 to make Christmas with her daughter and grandkids happen. I said I'd get the cash back when I sold some more of Mike's stuff. So I'll be putting the final tranche of his gear up for auction over the next few days....