Not that kinda nymph ya perv
@Oaktavia I think you’re right. Never heard of it, after looking it up I’m glad I didn’t mess with it too much. Apparently it really hurts to get bit by one.
Here’s another one I found in my phone. Definitely the most interesting moth I’ve ever seen! I spent an hour taking pictures of this one -
He has a MOP Mohawk
all of em
Almost went face-first into a pumpkin spider on my porch this morning on my way out the door. Those guys are so cool but I totally freak out and squeal when they end up on my face. Took a pic of him but the lighting sucked and it wouldn't focus, so maybe next time.
Another for the extermination-from-earth list: ticks and chiggers. I'm sure Oaktavia is familiar, being from where he's from. Their bites stick with me for MONTHS. A tick got me on the waistband in May and it still itches.
@WhiskeySandwich +1 on the ticks and chiggers eradication plan. I’ll add that the absolute worst to me are seed ticks. Our farm is covered in them this time of year. I spray all my woods clothes with Permethrin and it works amazingly well. Oh and add horse flies too. Their bite is awful.
@SKT I've never heard of seed ticks before, but years ago i got bit by a lone star tick and weeks later ended up in the hospital nearly going into anaphylactic shock. I had contracted an alpha galactose allergy and it took a while to kick in. Ate a steak and woke up at midnight to hives and a closing throat. Couldn't eat beef for a year....