Wabbidashery… aka, The Heritage Heaven Tour
@neph93 said in Wabbidashery… aka, The Heritage Heaven Tour:
Ok. Here is the dirty dozen and suggested running order.
@CutlasshoundMy thinking is that a newer forum member gets it first. Good opportunity for to show off and for the tour to start somewhere most of us haven’t seen before. DD is up in Norway too (even further north than me), so it is a quick change over. From me down to the Netherlands and into Deutschland. Then over the Atlantic, across the US and over the Pacific and finally back home to the UK.
I’m thinking everyone should have it for a strict 30 days (shipping time doesn’t count).
Any questions/issues?
Please can you take some evo pics of this Heritage Heaven Jacket @Heavy_blue ? It’s not over yet
For sure! I already had contact with @Aetas and will ship the jacket out tomorrow! Also will post some pics and a final story, let me first come clean and say sorry for my leg i had been overwhelmed with private mathers wich i didn’t see comming. For now i’m all good! Also i’m happy that i could take part and i the chore really grow on me and i’m even thinking on grabbing one!
@Heavy_blue You’re a Legend, and it’s been wonderful to follow your journey in life, love, work and wabash.
Thank you so much, bro. Best wabashwishes
@Aetas said in Wabbidashery… aka, The Heritage Heaven Tour:
Any updates @Heavy_blue ?
I though it was en route to you?
Sure we will get this tour on track @Heavy_blue
Tell us what you need.
I am coming to the Netherlands, if it is necessary!Some Heritage Tour Music is on its way to you.
@Aetas send you DM! I’ve been not amused since PostNL is fucking up things lately! I’ll get back to you tomorrow! I’m sorry guys that this is happening! Dutch post offices are giving me hard times these days!
Let me straighten things up; lately PostNL seems to care more or less about packages
so since i really want this legg to continue i’m gonna call them tomorrow and ask where the package is.. even if i have to drive up to the location and resend it i will do that! I sincerely apologize to you all and i really want to fix this and will do anything in my power so! I will keep you guys all updated and i have faith that this all will work out, but please.. be kind.. i have no sincere intrest in shitting around, let’s be honest my legg was shit i know that, i know i have been less active around here and that you’ll all wondering ‘where is the jacket’ well i’m wondering as well, same as you! But i’m not chilling on my lazy ass, @Aetas contacted me in this channel and DM. I ALWAYS replied at his messages. I’m not looking for a clean slate i’m just looking for a bit of peach and then i will work my ass of to get that jacket to him! Even if that means driving up Germany, but i will contact PostNL tomorrow and we’ll find the package, we’ll get it to Dirk, and we’ll continue this tour! I say this is a add-on to a really unbelievable story and it will always be a part of history! Once again my apologies and I sincerely hope you’ll all accept them!
You are part of this Tour mate which started unbelievable glorious with @denim-dawg and very emotional with @neph93 and you @Heavy_blue .
I am sure @jordanscollected can report, how it feels virtually loosing a Tourjacket inbetween continents. He was part of the astonishing Mad Red Mother Fucker Tour.
This Wabbidashery will continue!
The mad red was lost for like 3 months. I can only imagine someone at customs was picking up chicks with it for a bit before moving it back on its way.
I don’t blame them, but it stressed me out all the same.