Wabbidashery… aka, The Heritage Heaven Tour
@sabergirl said in Wabbidashery… aka, The Heritage Heaven Tour:
The thing that I love the most about the public library is that it is one of the last truly free spaces in our extremely capitalistic society.
To put it in the words of Banksy: The joy of not being sold anything.
@sabergirl Just when I thought I couldn't dig this community any more than I already do I find out you're a librarian (excellent socially useful trade), and that Endo gives away anti-fascist stickers.
@sabergirl hell yes! This has been such a cool evolution of this thread and exploration of free thought. I agree, very rad that you’re a librarian. One down note we’ve experienced in my school is the elimination of the school librarian. It sucks. Such a crucial part of a student’s education and understanding of how to find information in books. Our school library has degraded into chaos as we have no designated librarian to help organize and run this critical school space.
@Mizmazzle thats terrible dude! What happened to the librarian’s position? Was it cut for budget reasons, or something more…sinister?
@sabergirl budget reasons. Which, in my mind, is one of the more sinister reasons in a low income, title one school. Makes no sense that under served communities don’t get the lions share of funding in a district that has so many affluent schools.
We have parent volunteers come in to help with check out. But no longer do the kids learn about the Dewey Decimal System, promote book reading competitions, or have wonderful read alouds (though I pride myself on my read alouds in the classroom. Love to over animate my reading and bring the story to life for my students. I’m not happy until they’re rolling their eyes at me!!)
Such a shame @Mizmazzle. I’ve got story time this morning, in just a couple of hours! Probably one of the most fun parts of my job.
Yesterday we had Lego Hour, which is one of my regular programs. The library has a huge collection of donated Lego, and we just fee-play for an hour. There’s a very devoted few who won’t miss it for the world, and were very excited yesterday because it’s the first time we hung out in over a month because the community room was an early voting location in the primary election.
Had a whiskey on the deck when I got home. Lovely spring evening!
Jefecita won the lap competition this morning.
what did you see/hear @sabergirl ?
Bach Double Violin Concerto
Zhanhao/Gang Butterfly Lovers’ Concerto
Brahms Violin ConcertoThey had an artist’s residency this week with two violinists. The program was amazing. Highlight for me was definitely the middle piece. Never heard anything like it! @endo
@sabergirl oh, I love the BWV 1043 (also like the Brahms, quite virtuosic).
my favourite of the Bach Double Concerts is the BWV 1060 (violin & oboe), which also has a wonderful middle piece. have a listen to it! -
There’s a whole row of pinball in the front room @tody . You can see a little in the background where we are seated at the bar. Our town actually has two of these! The other is much larger and better, but we showed up at 3pm yesterday and there was a line out the door. We decided to hit up the other one. There’s also the Pinball Museum, which has a lot of old machines. https://ashevillepinball.com/
@sabergirl I see you have a Chrome bag. I just updated my bags from Timbuktu messengers to two new Chrome bags. I love them so far! Especially the seatbelt clicker. I bought the mini messenger (which is not so mini IMO) and the Berlin bag, which is a big ol' one. What do you think of yours?
The concept of mixing a bar with an arcade is pretty neat. Stumbled across one of these in Dublin a few years ago, https://www.tokendublin.ie/.
As a kid, I witnessed the heyday of Pinball machines in the early nineties, and dumped loads of pocket money on these.
Nowadays, I even have two classics at home, Addams Family and CFTBL. There's something magic in these machines, what today's computer games just don't have. -
@sabergirl said in Wabbidashery… aka, The Heritage Heaven Tour:
I got it at a thrift shop!
That's awesome! My best thrift find were a pair of new Birkenstocks in my size, couldn't believe it.
Beautiful update. Enjoy your leg! -