Indigo invitational Y4
@Mister_Brue haha I would recommend trying them - they’re invigorating, but to each their own and this is all just good clean fun
thanks for nice words
@Davids_denim much appreciated bro!
after not being able to choose either the IH-805 or the IHS-555-21 … I ended up wearing BOTH. Dude… haha… it felt amazing in the winter, and I felt as padded and indestructible as anything. I was also real curious as to how the jeans will fade underneath. For the first two months I had rehearsal for a musical, so every day we had yoga and dance, everyone else in tights and sweats and me in double-denim. Hahah… what a journey. There is NO Stretch in them haha…
When July came I couldn’t feel my left leg, and my right nut started to throb… so I was afraid I had got something bad… I thought what if I just don’t wear both jeans for a couple of days. And I felt normal again haha… so I’ve alternated a bit, but have tried to wear them every day together.
In conclusion if I’m honest I think denim need direct sunlight and water to fade. They look great! Put to see how little they’ve aged indigo compared to its outer layer… is also a testament to the master craftsmanship of IH
️ and @Haraki-san. These jeans will last for years on end of daily use. I’ve thrown myself down stairs, slid down most slopes in winter, down roads, taken the stairs instead of the lift since January 10th:
316 days
1 sauna sweat soak
2 machine wash (40 degrees)
1 Atlantic Ocean swim soak
3 bath soaks
Snowsurf and mad amounts of snow and ice, and drying in the sun
Rockabilly fade-off dance with Johnny Daigo in OsakaAll with the protective IH-805 worm overall.
Thank you for sharing this journey.
@denim-dawg These look killa, espacially the back side for me
@Fades-for-future ah man thank you, I feel they are very gentle compared to other 300 days of wear. But love them for their individuality and they feel like sweatpants
️ Have a lovely Sunday mate!
@denim-dawg you did a top Job on them Mate
enjoy your sunray too
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@Mister_Brue Agree, thank you, these things truly are built to withstand the test of fashion’s time and the test of life. Best wishes to ya, good man
@Fades-for-future Thank you so kindly! I’m grateful I got to do this wild at heart experiment, on behalf of those who wonder what would happen if you doth venture on such a double edged path
Cheers mate
@Gammaman absolute killers my man! between you, chuck, and the dawg it makes me really want to invest in a pair of these beasts! Well done
@denim-dawg two pairs of jeans in one year
I can see the twinkle of madness in your eyes and I like it. Once again I bow my head to you dawggy! Superb!!!
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@Mister_Brue definitely not bad at all.
I love this label who designs them?
@olblue joyous twinkles to you good Lord of the Blueh! I salute you most XHSivvely
@iamjustdanny Marvellius and so cool to see different denim
what was it like to wear it?
@denim-dawg It was definitely fun to wear.
I have a small place in my heart for G3 denim. It's 15 ounces, so not too heavy. It's also got some nice slubby texture, which I very much enjoy!
My only qualm was that I couldn't wear engineer boots with this pair because of the fit of the jeans, but that part i could have done my homework better on.
@iamjustdanny sd'a makes some very cool stuff. Really like the G3 denim as well. Had a pair of 903 I believe which I grew out of but maybe will wear again one day
@iamjustdanny so happy to hear! Thanks for sharing your zest for them! Sounds like a good sport of a pair of jeans! Get the thing about engineer and what suits them… I remember there was a time I had certain pairs of jeans that had to be worn with certain boots
ride on brother! Well done
@denim-dawg indeed. Live and learn. My Y5 pair can definitely accommodate my engineer boots.