SEXIHXLSXA13 - Self Edge x Iron Heart x Leather Soul x Alden
How does this 23 Oz fabric breathe compared to the 21 Oz fabric of the 634S? Is the 23 Oz equally comfortable to wear in the summer like the 21 Oz in 634S? Thanks.
no! not even close, i own 23 oz, 25oz, and have owned 21 and 18. 23 by far is the least breathable and downright hottest, even more so than the 25
Hello Good people.
I don't agree that the 23oz is more hot and stiff (tightly woven) then the 25oz.
My 23 (sex13) has been cold soaked once, and worn 150 days compared to my 25 (666xhs), cold soaked twice and worn about 200 days ,- and my 23 is considerably softer then the 25.
Ok nerkg. I always thought tightly woven was the same as stiff, since the denim will be harder to bend, but i might be wrong, or confused
Enjoy you crazy denim lovers.
Good thing we've got a Belgian who is an English major! Lack of trying has never stopped anyone from being a jerk…
The way I see it, the 25 oz is constructed like the 21oz denim with two threads wrapped around each other to create the weft. This is why the 21 oz is so breathable when others of similar weight may not be. This becomes more apparent after breaking in. With the 23 oz denim I'm pretty sure it is not constructed in this way, hence not as breathable, probably just as soft because they are both made from some fine ass cotton. Maybe G can clarify for us. I like facts more than opinions and bitching/moaning. -
The Weft of 21, 23 and 25 (and the upcoming 17) are constructed as per Scroogens description. We change the heft of the 2 twisted white threads to get the different ounceage. The different in looks between the denims is to a great extent dictated by 1) the number of dips in indigo and te amount of oxidisation time and the tension with which the denim is woven…..
need pictures in here. just started wearing these (full time) so i'll see if i can help out. the rise is low & the back pockects are bigger than i'm used to . . . oh also, the denim bleeds indigo more than any denim i've ever experienced. these really remind me of the way my 3sixteen shadow selvedge jeans are cut.
will get pictures up in the next week or so. got a bunch but internet been spotty at best
just at the start of our journey. thought it would be nice to share:
under guys don't get mad, i'm really a what is easier for me kind of guywhen i put these on i realize i should have went with a 33 per the waist, but my thighs tell me i did the right thing with a 34.
as a random monday moment; i'm glad this denim was reused on the recent self edge collaborations. it is one of the many things pushing me to that blanket lined jacket. Sandy slowed me down. if i could figure out where i can get someone to put a beige cord collar on it & the DC4/Ducks bronze buttons . . .
never left, just a small hiccup
Those are so perfect looking
Damn nice Monday!
it's early. i don't think much is really going on, but i do appreciate the kind words. think i'll post more as you folks are all so nice