New York - October 2012
Ha ha, not sure I can get that at duty free
Maybe if you were going to the west (best) coast instead of the east…
No preference from me dude, the US is my favourite country to visit in general. My wife and I got engaged in New York, and had our Honeymoon in California
It is an incredible country with incredible scenery. Rainforest, desert, swamp, sandy beaches, and arctic tundra. Would love to drive it coast to coast one day.
Y'all should forget them high-falutin coasts and head straight for Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plains!
Whatever! I'll take y'all noodeling!
I don't think you're making the compelling case you think you're making…
Need to promote something Belgian in here:
We’re coming to Belgium for New Year! But enough of that, next stop NYC - tomorrow
We leave for the airport in 5 hours. Still to be done:
Pack kid clothing
Stuff adult clothing into suitcases
Load car
Feed family
Take care of miscellaneous loose endsWe might not make it.