@long_john86 That’s a killer duck trucker jacket. How did you size on that relative to your shirt size?
@urrrrgrrrr it’s one of my fav IH garments - this one is a size up from the UHF size
@Heavy_blue He's back!! "Guess who's back? Fade a friend.." haha
@Denman-John thank you so much! I mean.. when you want denim for breakfast, lunch and dinner… my overall (!) feeling is that the 805 Overall is the .. overall best thing to wear
Go for it, John! Join the brotherhood of bib
@denim-dawg this photo has really captured the glory of the Herringbone Hickory
@T4920 So cool to hear! I agree, the magnificent Herringbone is great for capturing Hickory
Hope you have a good one, mate!
@denim-dawg light is coming back, right?
@Alex - that’s a mighty fine jacket. I am pleased that you ‘did it’ (took a photo of you wearing the jacket) that is.
@endo Thank you, yes it is coming back! We have sun for 9 minutes and 43 seconds more today than we had yesterday!! Whohoooo
How is life at your end? -