@AdamC oh lord I did not need to see that jacket
@Luijim78 if I say something inappropriate you can all be sure it is really me
@pjroo33 Thank you dude, that's always reasurring to hear@!
I love hickory stripes and duck together.
Happy Friday everyone(or Saturday, or whatever day it is where you live)
@jordanscollected poetic justice!!
sorry, last post on the topic then I won't bother you anymore, if you are contacted on Instagram by luijim78 with the photo I post please report it and block it... as I wrote in yesterday's post it's an account that was hacked (I've already reported everything to the postal police, forgive me, I'm 46 years old and I'm not an ace at social media, to be honest I'm not an ace at anything but that's another story
). I created a new profile: Cesca.Luigi and since yesterday I have sent a lot of requests to follow and like to the point that I can't do it for the next 6 days because I violated the Instagram policy on excessive requests... to add insult to injury
... patience
I just hope that my carelessness does not cause you any harm. Now I'll shut up, I've bored you enough. Forgive the off topic but I swear it will be the last. Have a good day everyone, I thank heaven for having found the IH world and having met some and I hope more and more virtual friends. Thanks Luigi
@Luijim78 no need to apologise. It’s been a frustrating and stressful time for you. Hopefully you are well on your way to getting it all resolved.
PBJ tee
Y’2 leather jacket
Alden boots