@endo jacket envy....
@IH-GARY my wife loves that band. I.... Do not lol. Looking great either way.
@IH-GARY This is a great shot.......
@TelemarkTumalo one of my favorite ways to spend an evening.
I did this in boot camp in the Navy. I don't remember it as being that enjoyable, but I was wearing the navy chambre and navy jeans.
@ROman Cheers Sam, their albums have been a part of the soundtrack of my life for the last couple of years - so I was so happy to meet them and find them to be nice guys!
@endo Both their albums are a solid 10/10! To be fair the staff at the store deserve a mention - they were awesome! Rough Trade East just off Brick Lane in East London
@CopperheadRoad welcome and nice first post. Is your handle a Steve Earle reference by chance?