@ARNC great combo!
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot thanks!
@ARNC nice kit up to there. How do you like that pbj black indigo tee? I missed out on it and hoping they make a return this spring
@Kfactor thanks. I love it (or I should say them - I have the l/s and s/s versions). The dimensions just work for me. They still read as black unless you look carefully, but I’ll be interested to see how they evolve.
Shame you missed out but I wouldn’t be surprised if they come back. If not, the regular indigo ones are good too.
@Subprime shit! Was that due to heavy winds or soft soil?
@ARNC perfect thank you. I have a good section in the closet of their indigo stuff, pocket tees and non pocket and LS and SS and Henley etc lol.