@Mister_Brue Thanks so much. I did collectible photography for years, but trying to photograph humans is still tough for me. I have much to learn!
@Dagobah_Days I’d say you’re doing alright…
@Luijim78 Perfect fit shirt.
@CosmoSix5 Thank you so much mate
@the246guy Thank you so much my friend, I like it a lot, it is very different from the Extractor even if the skin is identical. It immediately shapes itself to the body and is much less rigid, I love it 🤍🤍🤍
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot what a great picture! Those teeny overalls are
@Denman-John Great pics! I can’t get Bob Seger out of my head now.
Inspired by @denim-dawg and @SamD because it’s f’n cold: