NBA (Basketball)
@mclaincausey Nugs dealt Lebron his first ever 10 loses in a row stat last night....just a little extra icing on the cake...
@flannel-slut it's crazy because Jokic gets no love (even though that is starting to shift)
All my students who are basketball fans don't like him. I ask why and they same dumb shit like: "He sucks" "He's Lazy"
Point being, he somehow doesn't get the blind adoration of a superstar...which makes him all the more lethal and in my opinion, freaking awesome!! -
@Mizmazzle such a breath of fresh air in todays nba
@flannel-slut 100% He's like the Barry Sanders of basketball.
I think of him as the Tony Gwynn of basketball. Loves the game, fundamentally sound, not flashy, and a little pudgy.
Those kids don’t understand basketball. The Nuggets play the game beautifully and Jokic is one of the best to ever do it.
The last time the Wolves made it out of the first round I was in middle school, going to be riding this high for about a week.
Nuggets damn near gave me a heart attack. Glad they pulled it out but very worried about the Twolves. Hope the injuries can heal in the much needed time off. Glad I won’t have to hear Reggie Miller fellating LeBron anymore it’s pretty awkward.
Worst playoff game in memory for Jokič. Hopefully he returns to form and fast. AD was pushing him around and I’ve never seen that.
Seriously!!! So many turnovers!! Murray carried the team on that weak leg!!
Bring on the Timberwolves! @october-rust
@Mizmazzle said in NBA (Basketball):
Seriously!!! So many turnovers!! Murray carried the team on that weak leg!!
Bring on the Timberwolves! @october-rust
Should be a pretty epic series if the regular season matchup is any indicator! I’m expecting 6 or 7 games.
We don’t look like that team this postseason. Maybe things will change but between injuries, sloppiness, a lack of fire, and strange rotations by Malone I am not optimistic we make it 6 games deep. I certainly hope for a surprise like the Avs have delivered against the Jets though.
Not trying to be a terd McLain and Miz. I swear. But holy shit Ant Man
@flannel-slut said in NBA (Basketball):
Not trying to be a terd McLain and Miz. I swear. But holy shit Ant Man
Becoming a superstar right in front of our eyes, sometimes I still can’t believe he’s a Timberwolf. I feel like playing for Team USA this summer is really going to help his game too.
Not sure I’ll live to see it though, the way this Denver series is going to take years off my life…
@flannel-slut @october-rust
That was a hell of a game! Wolves came out hyper energized and just looked so hungry. It was awesome to see Jackson light it up like that though to get the nuggets back in the game.
AE just brought the heat though.
All in all, it was a stellar performance on both sides. Nugs bench kept them in the fight. Tomorrow got me nervous. -
We need Murray to stay out of whatever funk he was in first half to have a shot. MPJ is playing out of his mind but all great things come to an end. Hopefully we pick the split tonight and make this a series!
I’ll be doing my part tonight. Hattie was so crestfallen that she couldn’t come to a game with a friend and me that overwhelming guilt let to a playoff game family night
@mclaincausey hell yea dude!!
@mclaincausey love it!!
Really hope the nugs can control their frustration better. It’s getting the best of them. -
@Mizmazzle they’re just completely outclassed. The length and effort of the Wolves is a problem.
Man, I’m not going to come on here and talk shit because I still think the series goes to 6 or even 7, but I can’t believe this is my Timberwolves team. Minnesotans aren’t used to having anything this good when it comes to sports.