Catch of the day [Fishing]
oops–-my bad.
so more than double obviously.
so basically man sized fish -
I think I am in better condition. I got a shit load of exercise and ate very well - mostly fish :p-)
But I pushed my body to the limit (and a bit further at times) and had very little sleep, Well I grabbed a rests whenever I could….
And I am still totally knackered, I got up at 03:30 yesterday morning and having a 15 hour door to door journey did not help. The best bit about the journey was the taxi drive from the Medina in Tangiers to the airport, Tangiers is on curfew from 21:00 - 05:00, so we had the rods effectively to ourselves….
My hip did not play up once, so I think it was good for me. I see the physio Tues - probably for a bollocking
@Giles , This is an excellent expedition and story. Thanks for sharing. When i was young we had a boat and would go out from Sea Isle City, NJ. a couple miles out. We never came back with anything similar, but had a boatload of flounder, bluefish and weak fish, and an occasional shark.
+1, very cool. My arms and back hurt just looking at them
I'm surprised such a small boat is used with those huge fish but that seems a lot more fun than a larger vessel.
…how cool is that!
...what a great place for a long walk/hike along that coastline bluff. Beautiful.
Looks like a blast -
I was trying to be phonetic. I guess in the modern world of abbv it’s confusing. I just meant F@#k’in A.