Redline Rally Y3
@Jcaz6996 I still cannot take my eyes of your Lefty. Both right and left eye keep staring at it. Would be incredible to see what you would do to it with another year. At the same time...with such magical fading that you produce... so many other jackets and shirts that would be a thrill to see what you do with them
I'll echo @denim-dawg's sentiment. Would be great to see this jacket after another year of beating. That said, would be nice to see you take on a different piece as well.
Not very helpful though, is it
If forced to make a vote I'd say go with a new piece. Add another paragon to the denim world.
I doubt I'll be joining, just not sure if I want to limit my shirt/jacket choice for a full year, but haven't completely ruled it out. (Would probably do a Samurai 25oz type 1 if I did).
@denim-dawg haha cheers pal , I’ve entered Re(Pair) in my Lefty a couple of months ago as there was only a few limited paces available just in case there was nothing released in time for June.
So will have to wait and see. -
@Crispy-Heron doesn’t seem to be as popular as the Jeans competition hopefully it’s not just me entering
That is the only option 19oz IB CPO but I think that’s going to be a very popular choice this year . I quite liked the thought I was the only person last year lucky enough to have a New IH526L as there was No restocks for quite some time after .
I think there will be a few lefty’s in this years Comp..
You can enter with Two items shirt & a jacket but can only submit one at the end ..
@JunkPants it’s definitely a commitment when having such great IH shirts , jackets that you turn your back on for a year . Have a few CPO’s I would love to put a few more months into and my pale rider that I want to wear all summer…
@Jcaz6996 I'm sure you could produce some amazing results with the upcoming 139-IND or 140-IG.
I've also been wanting to see someone fade a 21oz rider's jacket all the way.
If I were you I wouldn't worry about what's available/in stock, as you'll outfade pretty much everyone anyway.
I might just enter a bit halfheartedly with the Samurai, rather than regretting it later. We shall see. I have a Black Oni type 3 that I might consider as well, but feel the Samurai would be the better choice.
Just signed up with the Samurai S551XX25OZ-25TH. (Size 46 this time, have a S555VX25OZ in 44 that I really like, but it's a bit too small overall).
Won't be going all in, but doing the Indigo Invitational this time around I do quite like the extra incentive to put some focus on one piece at a time.
Maybe a silly question, but can you enter a black Wabash shirt or does it have to be indigo?
@Denman-John The black Wabash totally counts. -
@Davids_denim Thanks ~ much appreciated! I figured it would be allowed with a pale rider posted just above. Just read they are allowing Hickory as well this year.
Just checked the most recent email... looking forward to the 29th and the hashtag.
Heck yeah!!! Great choices all around!
@deadendpro No email yet except for the confirmation email when I registered. It said that we can expect an instruction email from today onwards.