In the wild: Animals edition
Not sure whether this wildlife qualifies in this thread, you guys are posting impressive species. The largest I’ll get to is possum; monkey occasionally. Other than that it’ll all be feathered wildlife.
I put out water, seeds and fruit for these guys. Got about five species here: ruddy dove, saffron fronted finch, grey dove, and three others I only know by their local names (jichi taruma, falso tordo, seboi).
some badgers having fun on my cabin in shanklin i.o.w.
Had to stop mowing and relocate this guy today. Rosco was being nosey.
@goosehd glad you liked the photo. they are behind my cabin on the i.o.w .they live in setts that can be over a hundred years old,very interesting animals.
heres one cheeky fox
lol. foxes love hangin out on my patio furniture.
heres a few pics of critters at the house
@mikebarhoot Some great pictures the deer lounging and the scorpion.
not sure what the insect is. never seen them before this year but they start out key lime green and turn brown. thousands of them in my area this year.
@mikebarhoot I'm going to give you extra points for the welcome to the porch picture. Is that a rattler? Can't tell from the photo.
no. rat snake.
@mikebarhoot Just was trying to figure that out on the South Central Texas Snakes website. Thank you!
giving you bonus points for not breaking my shoes over all the dead succulents.
Family of turkeys this morning. Kept a safe enough distance? did not like the idea of momma or poppa turkey thinking they needed to protect their young.