In the wild: Animals edition
@mikebarhoot Just was trying to figure that out on the South Central Texas Snakes website. Thank you!
giving you bonus points for not breaking my shoes over all the dead succulents.
Family of turkeys this morning. Kept a safe enough distance? did not like the idea of momma or poppa turkey thinking they needed to protect their young.
@Oaktavia love the eyes on the top dude
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot I've seen box turtles with red and/or pink eyes like that. So cool.
Soooo many hummingbirds here, I watch them all day long. I’ve seen them drinking from the flowers in the garden, but haven’t been stealth enough yet to snap that pic….
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot that first pic is amazing! looks like a selfie with your spirit animal
@flannel-slut it 100% is, homie! I was told white people can’t have them, but if I could….
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot I'd probably have kidnapped one of the quokkas...