Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
Black overdye on a regular chambray for me…
Daveo, what do you mean by "regular chambray"? Do you mean a blue/white chambray. The chambray definition is a light cotton cloth in a 1:1 weave (the most basic weave) with the two threads in different colors, one of them being white (usually).
If the regular chambray would be a light blue, the black overdye would most likely totally subdue it. I'm not sure but it probably makes sense to have a darker base color and the overdye in a lighter color just to give a cast. So I would try it out but probably it would make more sense to start with a black/white chambray material and then do a blue overdye.
I was thinking indigo chambray with black overdye, similar to the recent SelfEdge collabo.
Piggy-backing on what till said, I am also wondering about the integrity of chambray indigo… Doesn't seem like the ideal pigment retaining cloth. However, what would happen if IH threw some of the TW's Permanent Indigo on a chambray and then overdyed that??? Now that is something I'd pay to see!
Ahhhh… Ok, I see. Thanks for that bit of light shed on my idea giles.
Addict do a similar(ish) thing with Ts -
It's a cool idea.
Yes, but artist t-shirts are a really old hat. And printed t-shirts are so ubiquitous that it gets really, really boring. I have maybe 3-4 t-shirts with some print on them and all were freebies. I mostly wear them as nightwear. Note that the wine labels are even older as an idea.
What I like is the transfer of the idea almost on a 1:1 scale from a luxury item such as wine to a "become luxury" item such as jeans that are normally cheap workwear. With luxury products and art it is the refinement that brings the distinction in value. The next thing is scarcity. Both are given with IH jeans (and Mouton wine).
Till. Thanks for the idea. Cool. I just have to be very careful with what I suggest to Haraki. And I have so many ideas, I have to time the requests quite carefully. The one thinkg that I always have to bear in mind is that this is Haraki's brand and vision, so I need to be circumspect when making suggestions, they do not things that would dilute his vision…G