Levi’s Lawsuit
Forgive me if this is too off-topic, but wanted to learn more about Levi’s lawsuit regarding trademark infringement against Fullcount (and more concerningly, Standard and Strange, along with Franklin and Poe). My short takeaway is that if a court does agree that these jackets/pants are too similar (which… they’re not similar to me!), could Levi’s bring successful suits against the entire heritage repro denim industry?
Ya can’t have the red tags in America. Seems like a dumb mistake if that’s what they did as this was loudly litigated long ago.
It's not a completely apples to apples comparison but there is some precedence in lawsuits like this. Years ago, Gibson guitars brought suit against PRS guitars for their single cutaway guitar. The court used the "dark or dimly lit club" reasoning to find in Gibson's favor. Essentially, if a person watching a band in a dimly lit bar cannot tell the difference between a PRS single cut guitar and a Gibson Les Paul, then PRS is in breach of the Gibson copyright. It may have been overturned in an appeal but it sent shockwaves through the guitar industry and it sent companies scrambling to modify the "Les Paul"ish designs.
Yay so my og freebees with the red tab are bad boys here lol. Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
@Kasi lol
Mo what in the world are those?