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Blackheart and her Salsa Mukluk fatbike 26"x4" tires -
Blackheart's bicycle can beat up your bicycle.
That's awesome.
You get a bike, too, DS? I'm thinking the Vespa isn't gonna work on those trails…
hey Chris!
hows it going? i just got a Mukluk also pics coming soon! -
Two Mukluks in this forum? My bike is suddenly feeling very insecure!
Doing well, Scott.:) Glad to see you back around these parts.
I thought about you a few times over the weekend- too bad you couldn't make it out to NYC for the party. We had a great time in LA last year…
I Hear ya brother
we did indeed hope to see you soon Chris
I used to run tubeless Minions on my DH bike, the lower pressure allowed me to find a bit if extra grip even during muddy, claggy British winter conditions, although I'd switch to spikes (Swampthings/WetScreams), when it got really bad
Also tried out the 'ghetto tubeless' (google it) method on the regular rims on my HT, worked pretty well once I'd got the tyre on and enough air in to create a seal.
Nice Mukluk Blackheart! It sure is a beast of a bike, I've test ridden a few fatbikes myself - even though I'm not a die hard fan I can't deny they're loads of fun… The Surly Krampus might change my view when they start popping up.
I've now ridden four rides tubeless and I'm definitely a convert. The increase in grip and resistance to snakebites is what does it for me. Changing to Ardents tonight since the Ignitors sidewall on the rear is in very bad shape (was quite worn before switching to tubeless).
The Stan's conversion has been flawless after the first failure (which was entirely to blame on too low pressure).
Thanks Brother Rocket ! Cheers!
When I first laid eyes on that bike I just stared at it for about 10 minutes thinking Jesus H. Christ on a raft!
What the hell was I thinking???! But then I rode it…Off road it floats over everything in it's path and climbs
hills like a goat, on pavement/asphalt it growls like 4 wheel drive. And to quote DS, it makes my 20" BMX bike
look like a key chain.Wait until you see his...
I love that!!!