IH-526J Indigo 21oz Selvedge Denim Type III
make sense
nah just joking
ok, may this help you sir
Oh it has.
Some combs on the sleeves of my jacket:
IH-526J Sleeve Progression by PP133, on Flickr
IH-526J Sleeve Progression by PP133, on Flickr
IH-526J Sleeve Progression by PP133, on Flickr -
Prob Feb…
Alright January, I have had enough of you…
PS - If anyone has a 40 Used that they want to part with, PM me!
nice fit / pic and how about the self timer
Thx Rocket.
The problem with the self-timer is that it doesn't cause the camera to focus on the object in the focus points, only to take the picture with the focus as it is. In order to go the self-timer route, I would need to set something up where I would stand, set the focus on that object, remove it that object, trigger timer, run to spot where I'm pretty sure I had set that object and hope the picture turns out well
Or, I could set a really high aperture, like F/8 and focus on a wall or something, and then stand in front of it. I've done that too.
With a wireless remote, you press the button and the camera will focus on whatever person/thing is in the focus points at that moment. That way, I could stand in front of the camera, click the button on the wireless remote, and be done with it.
Sorry if that's more than you needed to read
that explain why my pics look often like shit ;), nah I know, but you get half decent results and sure a remote is the better option
The remote is like sub-$20 and I think it'll make this easier. If it were way more expensive, I would find a work-around.
Never thought I'd be the "take a cell pic of myself in the bathroom guy", but fuck it, with the limited amount of free time in my life I'll take it where I can get it (and at least I wasn't taking pics of other dudes in there).
It's nice to see that Rocket has rekindled some interest in this essential piece of the IH catalouge. IMO it is just after the 634s as the backbone of what IH is and where it came from. A pair of 634s, this jacket, and a flannel should be the official IH starter kit…
Great fit, Kats!
You and me both, on that bathroom mirror thing. It's just quicker to snap a shot than setting up the tripod and finding a location without people around.
I like your thinking on the starter kit! I've yet to pick up a flannel
One of the things that I love about this jacket is that it's a classic. Twenty years from now, this will still look good, and if I'm not buried in mine, my son will look badass in it
Everything about that looks cool Kat, even though I'm more a type 2 kinda guy…....and your thoughts on the starter kit are hard to argue with too.
totally with you guys, actual Kat, you were the guy that put the highlight on this one on my shopping list. Remember when you sold your wallet to fund this one… I have / had a few Type 3s, but, this is def the best of them all. And as you said Paul its a timeless classic that will never go out of style....
good look Kat & i'm glad you didn't put your bag on the restroom floor. . . . yikes