IHSH-64 - Extra Heavy Jersey Western Sweat Shirt
I agree, fit looks great dude!!
Mine are both longer then i like.
i already fucking in love with it…fit and fabric are dope as hell, if i may say so!
thanks gents! @Seul @pillowPANTS and thanks @cristeza for letting it go mate
Glad you have one. Looks great. That fabric is so damn dense!
Hope it's a keeper…it's a perfect fit...these really are top notch
Best possible fit (and badass cap)
Great fit. Glad you got one. I love mine. So comfy.
Yep, it looks spot on!
Glad you got one. IMO the 64 is an IH essential just as much as an UHF is. Your fit is perfect, enjoy that sucker!
I remember @joesaintjohn (whom I miss here on the forum!) talking about wearing it around the house like PJs.
so as i do right now @mclaincausey
… and thanks again guys!
Looks great on you. Congrats.