Introduce Yourself Here
braille_teeth, Glad you came over here. I can't wait to see those SExIH07 flicks!!!
Got lassoed over here by Lando (who's quick on the draw, obviously)
I rock 21oz of SEXIH07 texas tuxedo about 4 or 5 days a week, and the rest of the days I wear just the jeans. Good to meet you all! Feels comfy in here. -
He was referring to a Canadian Tuxedo but the terminology is argued by many. This is what go by but either works…
Texas Tuxedo = Denim Shirt and Jeans
Canadian Tuxedo = Denim Jacket and Jeans -
Welcome everybody! and ohhh shizz, uptownsf! uh oh, we got sharks in the water with us guppies now. hahaha, information of denim just went up ten-fold.
yamachop55 WELCOME!!!
Glad you came over AntiHero84!!!
Haha, yep. I was also directed here by Lando.
I'm still new to higher end denim. I've been wearing my entry-level APC's for ~18 months and I'm looking to get into something a bit more advanced. The denim subforum on SuFu is a constant source of entertainment, and I hope to find something similar here.
Welcome to the IH Forum james nicolas!
And hello and welcome to you G-Kun.
welcome, cw ***
Welcome commodorewheeler, language555 and pass1234…Giles
Hi all, thanks for the warm welcome! I just ordered my first ever pair of IH jeans a few days ago from Giles. Looking forward to getting them and participating in this forum. I've seen a lot of great content here already and am happy to be a part of this community.