Introduce Yourself Here
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@Mister_Brue Good shout and done. Thank you.
@newtoiron Please read the rules for using the marketplace before placing an ad. Welcome.
Hello !
My name is Julien and i live in south of France.
For a long time i was scared to put what i thought was too much money into clothes. Last year, i found Iron Heart site and discovered all those beautiful flannels !
After a long hesitation, i finaly pulled the trigger and bought the IHSH 373 in Green. I expected great quality, but couldn't believe the product would be this dope !!! Best clothe i buyed in my whole life !
Now i want to continue and expand my IH collection and i will buy soon a bottom. I know i want a 888 but cant make my choice between the IH 888 XHS (weather is very hot where i live so i'm a bit concerned about the 25 oz lol) and the IH 888S UHR 21/23 oz. Hope you guys can give me some tips to make my choice !
Can't wait to share with everybody here !
Sorry if my english is not the best and thank you for reading me !
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Welcome @Ju . What a great pickup . And so it begins
@Mister_Brue @PJ @Luijim78 Thank you so much for the welcome guys !
I already have the feeling that this forum is something special, and Iron Heart overall way more than just a brand !
@Mister_Brue Yeah i really like the color even if it's not the most popular !
I will definitely take the time to read the threads before making my choice, thank you for the tips ! -
Hey guys,
I'm Patrick from Berlin, Germany. Greetings to all of you!
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Welcome -
Moin, @pmx-berlin
️ endo aus Kiel hier.
@pmx-berlin welcome onboard
@pmx-berlin greetings and welcome aboard
@pmx-berlin Hi Patrick nice to meet you I'm Luigi, i’m italian
Greetings from Canada.
Hey everyone,
I'm just starting to get into the IH brand, and I've loved it so far. I'm looking forward to building a collection over time. I live in Texas so the climate is warm if not hot most of the year. If anyone has suggestions for warm weather jackets please let me know- or just generally good pieces I should consider buying. The N1 looks really nice but I would only be able to wear it for at most a couple months out the year. I want to be pretty selective about what I buy because of the price, but I'm willing to pay for the durability and style. Thanks!
@Giles said in Introduce Yourself Here:
Guy, Of course I remember you. You were the first customer I shipped anything to. I think that makes you part of the history of the brand. I would love to see current pics of that pair and also I would be super grateful if you would consider doing a "My Favorite Rugged Wear" piece:
Hi Giles,
Hope you're well and the same to everyone here. I know this is a blast from the past but as I rarely wear my original IH jeans I think I should sell them so someone else can enjoy them. Before I do though I wanted to share some photos. I was trying to remember when it was I first bought these from you, I have 2006 in my head.
They have the old pocket design are showing signs of age through wear and tear. They've lasted better than any other pair of jeans I've had over the years. A testament to the quality.
@Giles Wow, nearly 20 years ago then! I think the jeans have done very well then considering! A shame the original photos have now gone but thanks for finding that post. Unfortunately the waistline has expanded slightly since I was in my 20's