any milage is better than no milage. all i do is sit around now. i was suppose to have my follow up with my doctor and get a refferal for an MRI… but shingles put a dent in that. injuries like ours can be depressing enough as you know SM. i wish i can even run 1 mile. but im glad you can get something in SM..... ease into it. understand the difference between muscle soreness and possible injury. listen to your body but most of all..... enjoy that freedom you get SM
Ran the Canyonlands 1/2 today. Moab is just a cool cool town.
Beautiful day and start line.
Motivating scenery!
All I can see is people who need to be passed
Dude, there are times when you need to pass people and there are times when you need to just hang back and enjoy your run.
The closer to the front, the better looking the scenery! Not that I get especially close…
For my taste, mid pack is best. Too far forward and the scenery gets, um, kind of sausage-y.
Of course that could just be my justification for my inability to get that far forward.
Asics 2000 series. I've got a few in rotation. I'm running in the new 2000s for heavy mileage, an old pair (though not more than 100 miles on them) of 2030s for dirty days and close-to dead 2060s and 2070s for short mileage days.
There might be better shoes out there for me, but I'm afraid to switch.
I run in Altras. They fit my foot perfectly. Both the trail and the Instincts for road. I've run 2 full marathons and probably 500-600 miles in my instincts and they still feel great.
at one point these had some pretty gnarley tread. weather it was dirt road, technical terrain or running through some streams/slush. super light and drained water pretty well. would buy again and recommend to anyone where elevation is the game
they have served it's purpose and have stood up through all the mud, rain, ice and snow. RIP
I use my shoes for about 1000 kilometers. That used to be every 2 months but is now every 5.