Have to be honest & say I'm itching for a pair of White's classic work boots
Yeah whites classics are awesome but you can't deny the comfort on those Roys. Totally different look, so it makes sense if you want something more rugged.
true, true . . . I should of grabbed these
will put images tonight, maybe
@madmonday You might want to check out Nick's Boots. They are going to start making a line of low heeled boots that remind me a lot of Alden, but I bet the quality will be way better. From everything I've heard Alden QC has gone way done, while the price keeps going up.
thanks for the recommendation.
I actually think I'm going to go another route & grab a pair of White's come this summer.
^hell yeah
They look pretty sweet to me. Even if you don't like them I bet you can sell them for more than 28 bucks.
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I like 'em. They are in great condition. Just a few little scuffs, but nothing a little treatment wouldn't fix. They fit pretty well, too. Not a style of shoe that I rock very often, so they feel a little stiff on top of my foot. Maybe if they were a little wider? Not sure if this is the sizing info, but it's all I got:
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Yeah, the sizing is on the bottom left there @sabergirl "7 C/E" If I remember correctly, the "C" refers to the width of the heel, and the "E" refers to the width of the rest of the shoe. The "7" is the size (I'm guessing you already figured that out!).
Hope they work out for you. They're nice!
I found explanation of the sizing on the Alden SF web page. @seawolf is definitely right on point. The C is for a narrow heel, and the E is a medium rest of the shoe. I normally wear a men's 7.5 or 8, so I'm not sure if the last for this shoe runs big, or what. My toes definitely fit, it's the top of my foot that feels constricted. I'll have to find some shoe trees, give it a try.
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