Watches - another OCD problem
New vintage bond strap from Nick Mankey. Long leadtimes but highly recommend. Was time to replace my modern strap. Garmin with omega face.
Cant explain how much I love this funky, chunky little bugger.
@Anesthetist dang, I like that too!
Seiko grey dial with Artem double clasp
It looks nice with MOP snaps️
@oblivion-sila Sharp!
Updated my omega faced Garmin. Goes well w/ 12oz snapped work shirt selvedge detail + Nick mankey modern bond strap:
My will power broke while on spring break…
@Anesthetist @goosehd if you gotta be bad, you might as well do it with style!
@goosehd @Anesthetist love those watches, guys!
same same. Totally tried to avoid the watch store in Barcelona. But I apparently have zero willpower.
Very, very nice gentlemen!! Just off hand…do either of you @Anesthetist @Autorotate have a couch I can sleep on for a while…
I’m planning to return home and directly take up residence in a cardboard box. Kinda scared. And sure @goosehd , we can be roommates. LOL!
@Autorotate that’s one hell of a watch
@Heavy_blue thanks, man. It’s sized at 45.5, and it’s very tall on the wrist as well. It’s a brutal watch. I looked at others in the shop, and this one was just calling my name. I actually went in asking for the blue version, which they didn’t have, and I had never seen the all black version, and it was game over instantly.
@Autorotate that thing is Beef Cake!!! Look at the crowns!! Do all the seamasters have those ridged crowns like that?
@Autorotate it’s chunky for sure but that’s why you love it! It’s the XHS under the watchesssss
Mate went to Paris last week and before he went, told me he wanted to try and pick up a Moon Swatch. He asked me if I wanted one too.
Was intrigued to see what they were like as not really paid much attention to them. Since he kindly offered, checked out a few reviews and it did make me chuckle that some people were grumbling that it wasn’t the same quality as an actual fucking Omega! Perhaps I’m missing something, but it’s a bloody plastic watch!
Anyway, he managed to pick me up a Mission to Mercury. To my complete surprise, I actually quite like it. Controversially, have never fancied owning a Speedmaster (except for G’s with the Japanese racing dial). Appreciate that they are a lovely watch, just not one I have lusted after.
Re the Moonswatch. The strap it came with was absolutely bloody hideous. Why they scrawled the word ‘Speedmaster’ in massive letters across the back is beyond me.
Switched out the strap for a Crown & Buckle nato that I previously put on my IWC but which never quite worked. Personally, I think the pop of colour works great with the grey of the Moonswatch.
Anyway, I can certainly see me introducing it into regular wear, particularly in the summer. Dimensions on it are pretty spot on and the fact it’s plastic will mean I can delight in drinking lots of rum, (probably) falling over and not be especially concerned about destroying it.