Random Love (anti-rants)
This forum can not be defined by one area or one member. It is a community built on love and respect for each other, and an admiration for denim and great clothing.
We often come here to share our victories, defeats, births and deaths, job promotions and losses, marriages and divorces. We celebrate and encourage each other to take each day one at a time and step by step. We make each other feel loved and supported in their darkest hours by reaching out when they’re down and reminding them that they are not alone. We are also there in their lightest hours to share our love and admiration for them and their accomplishments.
We like to share our personal interests with kindred spirits and people that we would never have had the opportunity to meet other than here. We travel great distances to spend time, laughter, smiles, and tears with those people that we are connected to.
The last few days has reminded me of how much we share that love and respect. We may sometimes laugh, joke, and cry, but we’re always there for each other and you’re never alone.
For new members, I hope and wish that you stick around long enough to experience what this place has to offer. It can’t be put into words or easily understood until you experience it.
I came to this forum for the clothes, but I stay because of the people.
Love and Respect.
I came to this forum for the clothes, but I stay because of the people.
Love and Respect.
fucking oath.
This forum can not be defined by one area or one member. It is a community built on love and respect for each other, and an admiration for denim and great clothing.
We often come here to share our victories, defeats, births and deaths, job promotions and losses, marriages and divorces. We celebrate and encourage each other to take each day one at a time and step by step. We make each other feel loved and supported in their darkest hours by reaching out when they’re down and reminding them that they are not alone. We are also there in their lightest hours to share our love and admiration for them and their accomplishments.
We like to share our personal interests with kindred spirits and people that we would never have had the opportunity to meet other than here. We travel great distances to spend time, laughter, smiles, and tears with those people that we are connected to.
The last few days has reminded me of how much we share that love and respect. We may sometimes laugh, joke, and cry, but we’re always there for each other and you’re never alone.
For new members, I hope and wish that you stick around long enough to experience what this place has to offer. It can’t be put into words or easily understood until you experience it.
I came to this forum for the clothes, but I stay because of the people.
Love and Respect.
I usually don’t quote things so they don’t have to be repeated in the thread…. But I think this deserves repeating! Thank you @goosehd that was so well said and sums up exactly how I feel about this place and the people here.
Love and respect to you as well 🫶 -
Best wife ever surprised me with something.
She didn’t know I’m a Large in Iron Heart and they don’t have a Large at Iron Shop so trying to figure out what to do. But it made my day.
Just spent a week in what I would call paradise...
If you find yourself traveling, spend a moment or two and talk to the locals and listen to them...Some of the most beautiful people in the world when you take a moment and share some time with them.
The flip side is that I see so many people who think they need to be catered to, and that makes me want to vomit. Check your so called importance and superiority...you're not...
Sorry, don't know if this fits in Love (for the people) or the arseholes that make it a rant...
I accepted a new job and tendered my resignation for my current one this morning. I feel a kinship and alignment of values and mission with the new team and have not been this excited about a new job in… ever. I genuinely believe we have an opportunity to change the world with what we will be doing in the coming years and am so excited to get cranking on this mission, which aligns perfectly with my personal mission of helping to make high quality healthcare are broadly accessible as possible.
Very grateful this morning.
@mclaincausey Congrats man! Exciting when things align
Thank you! Stars have aligned for sure.
Congrats @mclaincausey
Thanks folks! I look forward to loving my job and feeling like I’m making a difference again. I’ve missed those feels.
Hell yeah, @mclaincausey ! Congrats on the new job.