Random Love (anti-rants)
Much respect and love to our loved ones who care enough about us and our passion to gift us anything Iron Heart and/or listen to us talk about what to buy next.
Alas, my loved one would opt for setting fire to herself than listen to me talk another minute on anything Iron Heart
haha too true man... and if the better half or friend is within earhsot when you happen to get a question or compliment; you get the look, as if you put them up to it. Shit, I'm treading on rant territory
A thread to discuss a discreet hand signal when coming across Iron Heart in the wild while fatigued loved ones are around might be best
we had this already @flannel-slut common sense suggests it would be
@endo very nice, straight and to the point
Only tapped in IH for 3 years and never any recognition towards the brand. But comments? Yup! Regardless, @Jett129 if you come across some random in NYC flipping you the bird with a big smile, might be me!
@flannel-slut I've had countless compliments about my clothing, a few people asking if my shirts are tailor made, but never any direct direct acknowledgement towards the brand.
That's how I like it though, if people ask I'll point them in the right direction, but I love that the chances of seeing anyone in a nicer shirt than mine out in the wild are minimal.
I'm no gatekeeper, but I'd rather IH stayed our own little secret.
@flannel-slut I look forward to your single finger 21OZ Salute. Where in NYC are you located?
@T4920 couldnt agree more man. Friend be like, “hey, I’m wearing a denim shirt too!”… me “yeah, nice man, samsies!”
… I have had a couple friends take notice of the quality; for them, I find it only fair to warn them of the dangers of the forbidden fruit and then try not to yammer on the brand for hours.
@Matt I don’t let crows near my property
@Jett129 I live in Western Mass but make it over to the city a couple times a year. Been trying to base our next trip around this Italian restaurant called Rezdora but weekends have been a hard reservation. I’ll drop you a dm once we have a date, have a drink/ talk some warp n weft
@flannel-slut My current favorite restaurant in NYC,which is also a tough reservation to get,is called Shukette www.shukettenyc.com Middle Eastern cuisine.