Random Love (anti-rants)
@sabergirl Smuggling or snuggling? I’m fine with either
Hell yeah, fantastic forumliness! Seeing that the Wills is quite a large beast, this means @Anesthetist will have some room in his suitcase to bring back some IH. Time to scoot on over to Rivet & Hide
Thanks Graham @ddtrash but the pleasure was all mine! I’m so glad it all worked out and it was a great afternoon. Thank you for the snacks and beer
as well.
Saw this cute Reddit post of a dude getting married in his Iron Hearts..
Made me smile!
@T4920 I just saw that!!!!! sigh one can dream.
But I love that nonetheless!
I texted Ann @ sabergirl yesterday, she is doing OK. Her house nor her parents house was damaged, though there are tons of trees down in her area. There is not power or water. As mentioned on the news as well, cell and wifi service is limited.
Hi friends! Thank you so much for checking with me, and your concern. We are doing fine. It is going to be a very challenging time as Asheville’s municipal water system was completely decimated by flooding and landslides. We expect to have our power back hopefully by Friday. It may be a month or more until there is running water.
We are the lucky ones! Our house had no damage, and we live in a very caring neighborhood that has become a hotbed of mutual aid activity. We are taking care of each other. We are both local government employees so we will be picking in with a lot of relief efforts in addition to pitching in around the neighborhood. There is a LOT to do, and we will keep busy.
Thank you for all of the love that you’re sending our way! Keep it coming. I will try to keep y’all updated as I am able.
@sabergirl ...a post I am so happy to see!! Love to both of you and know that we are here. Please let us know if there is anything you need or can do!
@sabergirl Thank you for checking in and good luck with all that lies ahead!
@sabergirl so happy to hear you and your fam are safe. What a tragedy and I’m sure a very harrowing experience.
@sabergirl wow stay safe. I love asheville I'm sure you guys will rebuild stronger than ever. good people, good food, good coffee and those mountains...sounds like someone needs to figure out the drainage on clay though if there is a next time.