IHSH-75 - 12oz Indigo Selvedge Denim Work Shirt
Was finally able to get hold of one of these. Cheers @winchy for helping me out with sizing and thanks for the free stickers!
You're most welcome HFTB.
Shirt looks good, as does the setting for the photos!
I need one of these ASAP! Just need to find a tape measure first! Y'all look sick!
@zvincler please let us see an update on your 75
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum but an intermediate to raw denim for about 8 years now. Iron Heart has always been a top tier name to me and I think it's time for me to make my first purchase. I have enough pants now so I'm looking to pick up a workshirt. I'm a big guy so Im going to need a XXL. Its not available online, so my question to @Giles is, will there be a restock soon of the 75 or is IH releasing something new for 2015? Maybe a nonwash workshirt?
This is an extant item. It will be restocked periodically. It looks like the latest restock took place in December last year. Oh, and don't worry, G always have something up his sleeves.
We have some serious production issues in Japan at the moment, as does everyone in the business. The whole industry is going through a paradigm shift, as demand for quality clothing falls in Japan and more and more facilities get off-shored to China, Indonesia, Thailand etc. This a majorly complex issue and I could talk about it for hours.
Bottom line at the moment is that some of our production timeframes have gone off the scale. We are never first in the queue at any given factory because our stuff is harder than any one elses to make, our N1's were late this year because the factory making them needed to get cash through the door, so bumped our N1's for something easier to make. That was actually better than the factory going bust.
Our IHSH-107's were late because the factory making them went bust in the middle of production. Haraki had to drive down to Kojima overnight to spring them, part made, from the factory and find somewhere else that could finish them off.
We are on the 4th mill to make our 17oz duck in the last 2 years, the other 3 have gone bust….
We have plans to improve things, but they take time to implement.
So bottom line, we may not see a rerun of the IHSH-75's for 4-5 months. I am trying to release a 12oz indigo/indigo version sooner. Why can I do that? Because I can get a new shirt made at a new factory much easier than getting an existing shirt made at a new factory.
Digging this shirt !
pics are turning out weird ….I'II try again later
Cheers Seul
Nice, love this shirt.
Think I read somewhere that some ELS cotton varieties are naturally antimicrobial. This could account for the lack of odor. Looking sharp as usual @TrickHell