Unpopular opinions
Nothing wrong with a little hair metal…..Poison, Faster Pussycat, Motley Crue and Twisted Sister have got me through many a fantastic beer fuelled evening
Unpopular: Bono is a sanctimonious, self righteous piece of shit.
Couldn't agree more on Bono, though I loved Achtung and prior works. Also, Edge, you can lose the beanie as readily as you can lose the nom de plume. No one cares that you're bald.
Nothing wrong with a little hair metal…..Poison, Faster Pussycat, Motley Crue and Twisted Sister have got me through many a fantastic beer fuelled evening
(Surely) Popluar: Bono is a sanctimonious, self righteous piece of shit.
Yep. Product Red is a farce. It's a marketing organization to assuage first world guilt whilst trickling a pittance to the third world. Fuck you, Bono, and fuck you, RED, and fuck you, Nobel Foundation, if you even THINK of giving Bono a Peace Prize.
Shit this is a random rant. Sorry.
On a musical role. White people who listen to gangsta rap make me uncomfortable.
That's the London Suede here in Canada. Some band already had the name.
First couple of Suede albums were amazing, I believe that Kiya is also a fan of PWEI which I found a bit odd….and so is D666.
I hate cats.
I find babies all look the same.
Old people who go into Post Offices at the weekend should be beaten.
REM were quite good.
REM after Lifes Rich Pagent is shit.
You're just saying that because Superman is on there and you're trying to get a rise out of Megadome.
I approve this tactic.
Oh, AFTER LRP, sorry…
Button down collars. Hate em.