Unpopular opinions
Mornings are great.
Work is also great.
I hate the countryside, all trees and fields look the same. It's one of my life's great ironies that I hate people yet love crowds.
^thats because you are a jackass
Yeh you
I hate coffee. The smell, the taste, everything about it; I hate everything about it, always have.
On the plus side, that means I never go to Starbucks.
Coffee is a tool, nothing but a blunt instrument. People who wax lyrical about it should drink more beer.
But you love frog spawn…...
Are you impugning the nectar of the gods- boba tea? Those are fighting words, fair sir!
And you guessed right, Seul. I've had a few good Imperial Stouts, but I'm not really a fan. Coffee flavor in anything ruins it for me, even beer.
Coffee is a tool, nothing but a blunt instrument. People who wax lyrical about it should drink more beer.
Philip K Dick said that his most intense trip was while consuming a metric fuck tonne (MFT) of vitamin C; don't write off coffee.
I've attained more transcendence in flavor country than I have in terms of stimulation when it comes to coffee. It's really not a very effective stimulant IMO, too many unpleasant side effects at the levels required to get the job done.