John Lofgren (Speedway)
I wear my boots like they owe me money and the CXL shows no sign of giving in. The patina is developing like I never expected. As much as I'd like to treat this pair with Pecards, I just can't get myself to interfere with the wear and tear I've given it so far.
This is all natural darkening of the Badalassi leather. I'm sure it'll become even more rich with some treatment.
Just gorgeous on both counts Dom. So excited!
Absolutely beautiful I can't wait to pick up a pair of cognac badalassi
** I can't say I blame you in not treating them thus far…. I plan to let mine go for as long as safely possible as well. Wabi Sabi..
Absolutely beautiful I can't wait to pick up a pair of cognac badalassi
** I can't say I blame you in not treating them thus far…. I plan to let mine go for as long as safely possible as well. Wabi Sabi..
Yeah that gradient from honey to burnt cinnamon as you move from toe to top of VEB's is making a strong case for that eh?
this wait is killing me. Can't wait for Japan to be able to Star Trek some shit over here to the states
VEB can also help with his sizing experiences. I think they're on the blog.
Thx MC, I've read the VEB blog… also checking other forums - and eMailed Speedway (haven't heard back). Lots of conflicting views out there, from TTS to run .5 big. Of course the experience could be different for different sizes in the spectrum too... always an adventure, sometimes you just have to jump.
I'll be very thorough when I post
Package Sitting at Chicago ISC for the past few days…. Man I dislike that place.