2014 Spring/Summer Pipeline
Looks feckin massive. Unless G has the hands of a 4yr old girl??
I think those are Haraki's hands, but his aren't small either.
Haha. Ya i think you are right Chris, def looks more like the Bosses hand then big bad Giles-san. I hate to say it but that buckle might even be too big. Hard to be sure yet
Hopefully the prongs are easily detachable for use as brass knuckles
That's fucking amazing, PPants!
That would make a fantastic work shirt.
That sort of reminds me of a Wabash and that weird Kapital fabric having a child out of wedlock. Fantastic.
Yup… Just saw it over on the Japan trip thread. Love it!! I thought it was wabash at first also. It says hairline hickory on the FB page
Hairline eh? Sry bro i dont have FB. But those dots dont look like hickory to me. Oh well, H can call his fabrics whatever he wants. Im sure he could call that shirt Brown Herpe Magic and it would still sell out