2014 Spring/Summer Pipeline
All I will tell you is that it was Paula's idea, so I'd cop the purps if I was you…..
But It is going to be a good 8 months until it appears, I have told Haraki to fit fabric and shirt production in around everything else......
knowing my love, I say Paula went for turquoise blue and charcoal grey, no!?
Burgundy/cream or navy/cream?
I never copped a purp before but that colour is ridiculous, love it.
As for the character on that waffle? Wow.
Two great things!
The purp western looks amazing. Even with Giles touching his nipple. Can't wait for mid summer flannel.
Need. I'm a sucker for purple
I'm holding out for Paula's creation. That woman has impeccable taste !
666 UHRs first though. Looking forward to these jeans in my ultimate fit!!
I'm holding out for Paula's creation. That woman has impeccable taste !
Completely untrue. You've seen who she picked to marry, right?
I'm hoping for blue (navy or indigo) and cream, as previously requested.