Cheer for P
I've always liked dogwoods, especially the pink flowered ones. Like Twin says, they stay small, which is nice for planning purposes. When I was a kid, we had one in the yard that I used to love to climb. Random fact- dogwoods are the state flower of North Carolina.
^ I learned something today. And I live in NC. (but not from here).
Wow @twin - that Dogwood is fabulous!
@goosehd - thanks for the info, I shall be getting some "glory of the snow" to plant under our daffodils for next spring, have already done a little research ;).
How funny that Wisteria is seen as invasive in parts of the US, here it's a fairly expensive plant which (unless you buy a well established one, difficult because of the way it twists and climbs as it grows) takes several years to flower for the first time. So by no means uncommon but definitely not considered particularly easy to grow. The ancient one at the front is a Chinese wisteria, we have another on the pergola (planted maybe a dozen years ago) which is a Japanese variety, flowers later and has longer racemes. Both are gloriously scented. Weather here is bright and dry, but very cold for the time of year. It's chilly and windy out there today, but I might venture out later and take some more photos!
Glad I took this photo on Sunday, this poor tree peony has suffered badly from the gale force winds that started yesterday, big chunks and flowers broken off
I have never seen an Iris that deep of a purple before mine are bluer.
Black flowers. Now we're talking
Nice. My iris’s blooms lasted a whole day. Then…caput. Didnt even get aNy pics
Beautiful pictures, thank you all. I guess many gardens have benefitted from folks staying home during the pandemic, ours certainly has. And finally we have some warm, sunny weather in the UK. Most of May was dire! Everything looks so lovely in the sunshine, roses are starting to bloom, and herbaceous peonies… happy days
@Madame Buttonfly , Glad your weather is warming up. Here's some roses, lily's, hydrangea's, gladiola's, midnight something and azalais
Thanks @twin . One more, day Lily.
Beautiful ROman!
My Chaste/Lavender trees are happy happy!
And spider lilies have quadrupled in size since last year and should have an excellent yield of blooms in the next month.