IHSH-27BK - 12oz Selvedge Denim Western Shirt (Overdyed)
Just copped this today at SENY… Photos to come! In the meantime, Pete show em' what's up!
Just copped this today at SENY… Photos to come! In the meantime, Pete show em' what's up!
good stuff, lando! here ya go…......
Thank You Sir!
Annnnd thank you Beats! Wore it all day today out looking for a new bed and couch. Glad I splurged and more fit flicks to come soon…
it has to be the angle because i know lando and he is NO WAY that damn skinny!
unless he's not been eating cause of the move. lmao. guess its a sacrafice that needs to be made. hahahaha
The stitching is definitely very visible. The lighting in that spot during that time of day was tough. I agree on the personality bit. Much softer because of the OD process, than my IHSH-08. Wishing there was a SuperBlue…
hahaa, i think because you were leaning forward a little bit and you were buttoning the shirt. it seems like you were tapered! hahaha, but i think thats really because your elbows are all out and what not. Shirt looks good tho mayne.
Looks good Lando.
What is your take between this and the non-OD version? What is the price point? Don't think it is in SE's webstore yet. -
They're online now: http://tinyurl.com/2wlpafl. The cost is -to phrase G- "reassuringly expensive" …
sorry for bumping such an old thread but am considering picking one of these up from SE. does this version need to be soaked like the regular ihsh-27 or does the OD mean a different process applies here? thank you.
Thanks Giles. I had noticed that on the page for the IHSH-27 but wasn't sure if it applied to the OD version too. Thanks again.
Update: about a month and a half, wore it most days in the evenings, one very gentle handwash: