IHSH-31 Herringbone Flannel
Passed on this as well..
You guys need to stop posting in this thread and let it die. I'm tired of coming in here and seeing how nice these things look!
the photos don't do justice to this shirt because of the fine herringbone pattern, looks awesome in the "flesh" particularly the brown IMO. Should have snapped it up but don't have the cash right now + don't want to let the SR's slip through my fingers!
On the other hand, you can always ask Lord G to create a pile for you and when you have enough $$, then pay for it. Of course, there are priorities, and then there are IH PRIORITIES!
Just ordered the navy one.. I'm feeling a bit dizzy and really happy and excited at the same time. I really hope it fits well, had to go with the biggest possible size which feels a bit weird. But I guess I am a bit off the japanese sizing charts ;). Damn brazilian jiu jitsu and my former weightlifting habits (and good food) :).
I have a couple of questions regarding the sizing of this shirt. I've never owned any IH tops & I don't have anywhere local to try them on, but figured someone here would probably have advice.
1. Sizing: I'm 6'1", 165lbs, cyclist's build. I measured a shirt from J.Crew that I consider well-fitting, if a bit slim. The sleeves are probably too short, but I generally roll them, and the top button always pulls a bit tight because I'm sort of barrel-chested for someone so thin.
Size S
shoulder: 17.7
pit-to-pit: 20.5
length: 29.7
arm: 24.6Does this put me in a M? L? Obviously, M would be ideal, since it's in stock, but I suspect it's L. Which leads me to…
2. Have any of you, particularly those in the US, ordered from Rakuten? They seem to have the L in stock, but ordering seems like a pretty daunting task:
http://en.item.rakuten.com/hinoya/ihsh-31/Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks!
Hey ampersandwich, I think L should work with you. You will probably need to use a proxy service from Japan (e.g. Sutocorp). You can read up on them in here: http://www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showthread.php?t=162257 But be preapared to pay for bank fees/service fees/shipping fees/paypal fees and there is no return. If it were still available from Giles, I would definitely get it from him.
Yup yup, always go with Giles as your first choice - if not just for sizing help and the ability to return if absolutely needed. I've proxied not too long ago… made a mistake and was stuck with a wrong size shirt. Otherwise not too painful. If its your only option, go for it... and you'll def need a large. I'm around 18" shoulders and sometimes even an L seems a bit tight on me.
Thanks for the advice, guys! And yeah, if Giles had the Large, I'd absolutely get it from him. But it looks like my choices are either M or XXL
I e-mailed Sharp Service (http://www.sharpservice.jp/), which seems to get excellent reviews on SuFu. I'm hoping it all works out because it's getting cool in Chicago, and I think I need this flannel in my life.
Just ordered the navy one.. I'm feeling a bit dizzy and really happy and excited at the same time. I really hope it fits well, had to go with the biggest possible size which feels a bit weird. But I guess I am a bit off the japanese sizing charts ;). Damn brazilian jiu jitsu and my former weightlifting habits (and good food) :).
And it's here! Fits like a glove. Couldn't be happier!
Will post pics later, hoping for some sunshine later this week. Thank you Iron Heart and Giles!