IH-9634 Super Black
Came home last thursday to these babies…I am in love.
thanks so much giles! these really are the ultimate black jeans.
and kudos to my boy vince from www.onandbeyond.com for the pictures
Just curious Giles, are these 22oz or 21? I saw in the 9634z thread that those were in fact 21oz, and as I'm writing a small piece for my buddy's blog, I don't want to make a mistake haha
Same denim, different post loom treatments…..Haraki referred to it originally as 22oz, but then labelled it 21. I compared the weight of a pair of these and a pair of 21oz 634S. whilst the 9634 were heavier, not heavy enough to justify me calling them 22, so I changed to 21. OK? G
Great! Thanks for the info
Working on mine…they are coming along slowly but surely!
Crotch is blowing out at the seams. First piece of IH I EVER purchased is finally in need of repair. To be dealt with on Monday/ Tuesday with my IH-666S…
does anyone have white wear points on theirs? I noticed that it developed this chalky residue towards the stacks on mine.
does anyone have white wear points on theirs? I noticed that it developed this chalky residue towards the stacks on mine.
Mine is not as severe as I don't wear them every day like yours but they do have a bit forming…
Also, some flicks of my pair after some preventative darning/ repairs…
Crotch (Outside)
Indside (Crotch)
Added a pair of Size 30 to my FS thread
Any suggestions on washing these? I'm going to wear mine in a wedding this weekend but they are a bit on the filthy side as I have never washed them. What's the best way to go about doing so, I'm inclined to turn them inside out and toss em in the machine.