You'll be playing the Fabrik in Hamburg - 200 m from my home. I'm so there. Saw you 2 years ago at Markthalle, but Fabrik is way nicer.
this is great. i'll have to make sure to pack a good amount of IH gear so we can get some good Meetup shots!
Maybe this is a reason to visit Hamburg. What do you think, Flo?
Maybe this is a reason to visit Hamburg. What do you think, Flo?
that´s what i though as well
YES! Steffen, you must totally come! Finn, you too, if you know what you're in for
Sounds like a plan, I Just got me tickets.
I rechecked the way, so I don't get lost. (And I lied - it's 450m)
well I think I know
was going to a few concerts already (the hives, no fun at all, bad religion, no use for a name and many more) but I don't think the masses gonna be as chill as they were on those shows…but if G.and P. we're able to get out of one alive...I think I can do that as well! so let's wait and see if I can make it
Was back at my parents' house over the weekend and busted out this gem:
One of the greatest straight edge records ever. I still love it, even if I broke my edge a while back!
^ Yes, that was my inspiration for digging the record out. Cool reading. I love that they took AOQ and SS Decontrol's Get it Away to the studio to tell Spot what sound they wanted.
Was back at my parents' house over the weekend and busted out this gem:
One of the greatest straight edge records ever. I still love it, even if I broke my edge a while back!
Impact is my fav COS Song, too bad that it´s only releases on the LP/CD with both 7inches on it. GOOSEBUMPS!!!
i love the first 7 inch so much. it's just such a great hardcore record. now that i'm closer to 40 than 30 though i read the lyrics and they're just dumb…but when i was 17? HULK SMASH!
also....the reissue the rev did with the remix/remastered versions of this record is a travesty and in my opinion ruined the record. the shitty production is a big part of why it's perfect.
Check this out haha
i remember first time i saw these guys was the little devil (bmx clothing company) video seek and destroy the crash section was homicidal with video clips of there shows
i was fascinated obviously
hellfest show gotta love the hottopic banners hahaha
i went to hellfest in 2001 or 2002, it was terrors like 2nd or third show ever
great weekend
wish that fest hadnt shit the bed the way it did
also the cromags played that weekend and heckled like 99% of the audience,(it was funny) then got into a fight in the parking lot and broke up again