Giles's Swim for Charity
I'm not sure I could walk that far…
I also can't figure out how that's only 500 calories burnt for 3:46 swim. I'd guess that should be well into the thousands, like 1200 or something? Have a few beers…
@mclaincausey I'm totally with you. I can't understand that at all.
And, I do not use my legs, I can concentrate on 2 things at once. So breathing and arms are what get my focus, if I throw in an added complication like leg kicks, everything buggers up.
Trouble is, as my legs are inactive and compressed by the wetsuit, I lose a load of blood from my legs during a long swim. So if I don't kick like shit for the last 200 yards of swim, I can't walk anyway…..
I'm going to continue swimming "my way" until after the charity swim, then I'm going to get some help....
congrats G,
you making me jealous!
going for a swim tomorrow,
still no wetsuit,
and will freeze like a penguin. -
It's local radio, so forgive it…..
The first of the two Low Pressure Systems (equals shite weather) is now over us, but still looking good for tomorrow. Going to be an interesting swim this afternoon, when our swimming speed is measured to work out which of the 5 groups we will be placed in. My money is on me making it into the duffers group….
Rofl, nice one but did you have to have it printed on the ass?
OK. So the training swim was 2Kms. I managed it in 48 mins. I am in the second of 4 groups to start.
The slowest group start 1st, then a little while later my group starts then the next 2 groups start staggered behind us.
The idea is that we all get to the main shipping lane at about the same time. We then cross the shipping lane as one group.
Once the other side of the shipping lane it will probably be every man (and his kayaker) for himself…