IHSH-101 - Purple Buffalo Check Western - Back to Basics Edition
They're great lovers.
Are you implying something about me?
He told me that happens to everyone!
- 8 days later
This is now my favorite "shirt."
The purple is so deep, dark and beautiful. I hope it keeps its color well through the years.
About sizing - 86 fits very well; the 101 fits PERFECTLY. Both size S. 101's thick fabric and density makes it look even better; less slack on the shoulders, for example. It's an extremely intense and masculine piece.
I am the opposite, I want to see some color bleed off of my 102. The UHFs age really well IMO.
I am drawn towards darker hues, psychologically speaking. Which explains why I have such an affinity with overdyed products.
Will not be remade? I'm tempted to take another one…
Maybe a 102 to mix it up?
The colour on the 101 is indeed awesome. And as much as I love the shirt in new condition, my 72 proves that the UHFs get much better with wear & washes. I'm tempted to hotwash the green 107 a few times, I could need a tiny bit shrinkage and it would look like a vintage shirt.
Maybe a 102 to mix it up?
Good call
I thought the 102 was significantly larger in the same size, but upon checking the measurements saw they are actually quite close. I'm wondering if I should size one up for the work shirt to be worn as more of a jacket instead.
It's an option if the measurements work for you. I have the 102 and though the measurements are similar please remember that the 102 is a work shirt and is therefore cut a little straighter than the 101, meaning that it would probably work well as an over shirt/ shacket/ jacket.
Are these (and the 102) the same oz./weight as the 107?
- 7 days later
Looking sharp!