about 1012 USD then. thanks.
Considering that the regular version goes for around 560USD these days it means almost 500USD for upgrade on HH, custom duties, shipping and store mark-up. The Japanese versions out there go for a similar price tag.
A shame that you can not get HH as a regular custom option directly through Viberg, I guess Brett does not want to hassle with it on a regular basis… -
i am patiently waiting for the ones in the back to hit the market. one or two things i would change about them, but nothing drastic to stop me from purchasing.
i wear my bobcats every chance i get. they are heavy as hell but i love them. all that would make them better is a new sole, but i will give them proper usage & when the time is right go about a proper resole.
sorry it's coming up blank. . . & huge
repost it i want to see it.
damn it man
that second pic looks like the bullhide Take5 collab… theres denim bits on that boot that take it down several notches if you ask me. Gotta search around to find more pics that show them. Like the soles on those much more than the TFH collab though
Like Page 7 of this wife has got them, she will certainly disagree with you!
now what an insensitive lot to bother you before a long flight