I feel like I can slog through anything in these. Which is one of my boot criteria. For that matter, one of my criteria for any expensive gear I buy is that I have to be able to beat it like it owes me money.
Best boots I ever had. They took me through 2 weeks in Prague and 1 week in Budapest, with never less than 15 km of walking per day.
I think they will easily outlive me.
Love em–wearing mine again today!
i decided to treat my IHVB-03CT boots with dubbin after doing some research on youtube and via forums. the advice is provided by military, x-military and military enthusiast guys treating their rough out boots in the way it was done in preparation for the water and gas filled environments of the conflicts in the first half of the twentieth century.
hi @trail and arrow , I cleaned the boots with an eraser to remove the excess dirt then applied dubbin, in this case wrens neutral dubbin. the dubbin is applied to the boots using a cloth and rubbed into the leather until it is absorbed. i also used a toothbrush for the hard to reach areas. once the dubbin is applied it can be further absorbed into the leather with the aid of a hairdryer (the same method used to help the after market wax absorb into the millerain cotton fabric of belstaff & barbour jackets when re-waxing them).
Quite like how that changes them, are you planning on treating the shafts or leaving as is?
@tmg , at this point i reckon i will leave the boots as is, for two reasons;
1. i dont want dubbin on the inside of my jeans
2. i plan to avoid deeper water that would otherwise soak the untreated parts -
Very nice @Hereforthebeer. I'm sure the styleforum types are full of envy!
Cheers @Sugar Mountain
Xpost from the WAYWT thread. Navy shell service boots.
Don't wear these as much as I should.
Those look amazing. The color is out of this world and I'm a big fan of the cap toe.
those are nice @Hereforthebeer here's a bit more blue collar make up (at lest i'm 99% sure these are Vibergs & not a cruel joke being played on me:
got them from ebay as the seller was willing 2 accept a much lower price than their bin price.
They also had this on them:
but I removed them with a safety razor with just a bit of effort a almost zero scaring on the boot. bobcats r my fav vibergs
How much lower did they go? I've been watching the same pair in my size for awhile. Just been hesitant due to hating the soles. I would def need to get those switched out.
send him a message like you used 2 do 2 me on ebay & see what it do.
Cheers @summ3rhays and @madmonday , and nice pick up with the bobcats!