I’m curious about the slippers they just released. After ankle surgery it’s nice to walk around the house with shoes. Decisions decisions
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Pulled the trigger. I find no fault in these outside of the fact that there wasn’t grey in my size when I ordered. I went for black XL. I wear 11 in my other Vibergs and these fit well.
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Nice.. I was checking those out. Is there any arch or cushioning?
They look like slippers for life. -
@Sage954 , there is no arch support and minimal cushioning. They are quite comfortable though.
Thanks for the info. I guess I waited too long. XL's are gone in every color
Thanks for the info. I guess I waited too long. XL's are gone in every color
That’s crazy. Who knew they would sell out that fast.
@quantummechanic and @madmonday
Here's the Vibergs I scored at DR's sample sale.They're the prototype Pinky Blinder (major differences from the eventual production version) 2030 last, stitchdown, brown cxl. Super greatfull I lucked into these.
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Drooling over your boots @rio I think I spotted some differences in the make up vs mine and just wanted to avoid potential confusion to others who may be interested.
Mine is the older Scout boot on the 1035 last
I think yours is the cooler Service boot–2030 last
Very similar to be sure, and I may well be wrong (wont be the last time today
Cheers, brother!
Drooling over your boots @rio I think I spotted some differences in the make up vs mine and just wanted to avoid potential confusion to others who may be interested.
Mine is the older Scout boot on the 1035 last
I think yours is the cooler Service boot–2030 last
Very similar to be sure, and I may well be wrong (wont be the last time today
Cheers, brother!
yes you are 100% correct they did not have my size on yours so I got mine, they do not have the pull loop as yours and the foxing in yours is longer towards the front and the vamp on the side leaps over the foxing if you look at your pic yo can see what I mean, they are both very handsome boots, very good of you to notice
@quantummechanic and @madmonday
Here's the Vibergs I scored at DR's sample sale.They're the prototype Pinky Blinder (major differences from the eventual production version) 2030 last, stitchdown, brown cxl. Super greatfull I lucked into these.
Excellent name , thumbs up, very nice boot.
Great idea to do a side-side comparison of the differences between those two makeups @Dishelveled . I came close to ordering those two, one after the other, held off waiting for my '1035 service boot' personal ideal makeup. I don't like the white sole. Hope it comes around. ::)
Awesome boots @rio Can't wait to see that leather evolve. Def have thought about waxing mine after they get thoroughly beat up (so bout 20 years for me) I've seen pics of black roughout boots that appear to lighten considerably with wear and they didn't really vibe that well, vs the lighter colored nat cxl roughouts that just look incredible when beat up!
I'm with you @Seul these new DR iterations are just that much better than my version–antiqued brass eyelets, no pull tab, more sleek looking profile, and that leather oozes character. Kinda like the scout make up more, but just splitting hairs at that point.
Cheers @motojobobo Any pics of this dream boot you mentioned? And which white soles are you referring? I still cant get behind the Gloxi, but have totally changed my tune on the Christy.
Damn my posts are getting voluminous, Rueben's rubbing off on me–wait that came out wrong, haha!
I am interested in these Vibergs. The seller does not know which last they are.
Does anybody know which last are these VibergxHeritage Research Boots?
Looks like the 110 last to me. My favorite.
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@MET Looks similar to these which are on the 160 apparently. My Viberg last game is weak though…