Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
The scales on my Wilkins-gripped Griptilian have been wreaking havoc on my pocket lining, so I've switched to EDC my Dragonfly G10 and I quite like small-bladed knives for a change. I actually just ordered the Böker Nano thanks to the pics of the Curtiss that were posted here :). I doubt it will live up to the quality of the Dragonfly which really is an amazing knife, but then again it's half the price..
Guy said 350 quid (£)… That's 402 €... I can get a new one for 350 € in the States... But this one is NIB, plus I wouldn't have to proxy it, worry about customs (UK => Belgium), and the postage cost 'd be very low… So I asked him if 325 £ was ok... No answer yet...
Fingers crossed :-\
Guy said 350 quid (£)… That's 402 €... I can get a new one for 350 € in the States... But this one is NIB, plus I wouldn't have to proxy it, worry about customs (UK => Belgium), and the postage cost 'd be very low… So I asked him if 325 £ was ok... No answer yet...
Fingers crossed :-\
Hope this works out for you Ti-Lock is ridiculously awesome.
Clip is ambidextrous on ti-lock
Seul - If you're not 100% set on a tip-down carry, then maybe I can help convice you on the SuperBlue Caly 3. I have two and they're great. SuperBlue doesn't need that much maintenance. It is surprisingly pretty rust proof. A lot of people let it patina naturally, or patina it by sticking it in an apple, or white vinegar for a few minutes. The patina itself will help resist rust. I have also read that people wipe it with Marine Tuf-Cloth and put Tuf-Glide around the pivot to give it extra protection either after letting it patina, or not allowing it to patina that much at all.
Even if you won't EDC it, it is still a wonderful knife to have in your collection. SuperBlue is too damn cool, especially if you let it patina naturally. I'm actually still debating on whether or not to EDC one of mine. I currently rock a CF Caly 3 in the ZDP189/420J2 and it's suiting all of my needs. Only thing that is keeping me from not using the SuperBlue is the scales. The G-10 is pretty rough and I feel like it'll tear my jeans apart overtime. The CF just glides in my pocket.
Hope that helps a little bit because you NEED that SuperBlue
No problem sir. The Delica is great as well!
I just ordered what could very well be my favorite knife ever…The Spyderco Techno
I seriously think, this will take over the Caly 3 I've been carrying for months as my new EDC. I can't wait to carry this little beast!!!
I completely forgot to mention, but this tank is on sale over at Howes Knife Shop for $159. Easily the cheapest I've found. Here's the link for anyone interested: http://www.howesknifeshop.com/spyderco-new-releases/new-stock/spyderco-techno-c158tip-folder-ti/xhp-plainedge/
Then I have the whole definition of "tip up" wrong…
Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh…