Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
Then I have the whole definition of "tip up" wrong…
Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh…
You'll love the Delica Seul, I carry mine every day.
My next is going to come from Shing Crafts. Anyone here got one? : http://www.shingcrafts.com/
Perhaps I'm misreading your posts, but you're happy to have your knife back, right?
Seul, it might be worth emailing the guys at Heinnie to see if they can get it for you. They're not a supplier right now, but they might be willing to give it a go. Great folks, best knife retailer in the UK. http://www.heinnie.com/
I actually just ordered the Böker Nano thanks to the pics of the Curtiss that were posted here :). I doubt it will live up to the quality of the Dragonfly which really is an amazing knife, but then again it's half the price..
Opened the box, tried to open the blade one handed, didn't work (fixable by loosening the screws though, probably). Got it open using two hands, decent lockback, no blade play. But the finishing on the steel part of the handle - oh my god. Looks like a pack of steel-crunching rats had a go at it. Sooooooooo bad. If it costed 10 or 15 € I'd get it but no way in hell will I accept it on a 50 € knife. Already on it's way back. I think that put me off Böker for life.
Both the G10 and FRN Dragonflys are great knives. The only thing that bugs me about the Japanese made Spydies is the edges. They're not the same bevel angle from heel to tip. Don't know why that's the case, but its for both my Japanese Spydies as well as the ones I've seen in pics. It's just me being nitpicky though
Might pick up one of the Sages soonish. Seems like most Spyderco collectors feel the Taiwanese made knives are the best in fit and finish. Want to see what all the fuss is about
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I actually just ordered the Böker Nano thanks to the pics of the Curtiss that were posted here :). I doubt it will live up to the quality of the Dragonfly which really is an amazing knife, but then again it's half the price..
Opened the box, tried to open the blade one handed, didn't work (fixable by loosening the screws though, probably). Got it open using two hands, decent lockback, no blade play. But the finishing on the steel part of the handle - oh my god. Looks like a pack of steel-crunching rats had a go at it. Sooooooooo bad. If it costed 10 or 15 € I'd get it but no way in hell will I accept it on a 50 € knife. Already on it's way back. I think that put me off Böker for life.
You can't say I didn't try to change your mind… I'll just say it one more time: FUCK BOKER.
End transmission.