Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
Hinderer XM-18 3in Dark Green Slicer
Looks pretty sweet Urb. Whats the widest measurement when its closed?
Looks pretty sweet Urb. Whats the widest measurement when its closed?
At it's widest point I would say it's about 1mm wider than the large sebenza. That's not including the flipper.
Nice. That aint bad at all
Ya dude. Good lookin blades. Thats small is straight elegant. I think i still wanna get a small seb too. Love my 25 but feel its a lil large for EDC
All I can say is… WhOhta...
Today's carry was the Curtiss F3 and she's joined by these two scary mofos which just arrived.
Thanks @derivative666
That F3 is nice. Was just watching a video about it.
Thanks! Mine is pretty generic, but Curtiss makes a phenomenal product. I am interested in a compact Cruze slimline, it would make a better EDC than the intimidating monstrosity that is the F3 4". Dave is a good guy too, he stands behind his product.
Got my new Chris Reeve Small Sebenza with Box Elder Burl Inlay today. So sic.
Beautiful CRK
Very nice Shane. I've wanted an inlay for awhile but can't justify it since I have a Sebbie and an xm-18
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Which Hinderer do you have? Do you like it?
I have had many many knives Fellhoalter, Krein, Martin, Elishowitz, Onion, Strider, & 3 Hinderer's 3" XM-18 non-flipper slicer, 3.5" XM-18 flipper spanto & XM-24 flipper spanto. I should have listened to Big Z. Their is nothing that has nicer lines, and tighter tolerances then a CRK when it comes to tactical knives.
Limited Edition 2010 Large Sebenza Camphor Inlay w/ Swedge double Thumb Lug